About me
Christine Elegante is a dynamic educator who currently serves as a K-3 Literacy Specialist at the Utah State Board of Education. She is passionate about education and considers herself a life-long learner. Her own educational journey began at Utah State University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Years later, she earned a master’s degree from Western Governors University in Curriculum and Instruction. She started her teaching career in the upper grades teaching fifth and sixth grade. After experiencing the joy of teaching her own child to read, she transitioned to the early grades and taught pre-k, kindergarten and first grade. She continues to dive deeper into best practices and is currently a LETRS State Facilitator for units 1-8. With over fifteen years of teaching experience, and a knack for improving literacy outcomes by using evidence-based teaching practices, Christine enjoys sharing her skills, knowledge, and experience to enhance literacy across the state.